Alameda’s Northern Waterfront has long been the industrial hub of the city. Companies related to maritime industries, shipping and distribution set up operations here, and for nearly a century, provided jobs for island residents.
As the Port of Oakland grew and distribution channels changed, so did the waterfront. What was once a bustling harbor became largely abandoned, and prime waterfront properties were fenced off and forgotten.
The vision for Star Harbor was developed by Tim Lewis Communities in accordance with the City of Alameda Northern Waterfront General Plan Amendment. It is designed to re-energize two parcels of the Northern Waterfront: the site of the historic Del Monte Warehouse, which will be called Warehouse 48, and the old Encinal shipping terminals.
Stay tuned as plans unfold!
The design concepts for Star Harbor are all carefully aligned with the city’s objectives for the Northern Waterfront Area:
- Reconnecting the community to the waterfront. The Star Harbor plan requires new public shoreline access, extending the existing street grid to the waterfront, replacing existing waterfront industrial and warehouse uses with residential, commercial, retail, and open space.
- Improving access through and around the district. An extension of the Clement Avenue truck route will reduce traffic on Buena Vista, and facilitate access to the waterfront. Alternative modes of transportation such as shuttles, water taxis, and bicycles are required.
- Fostering a vibrant new mixed-use environment. The plan seeks to create a new and vibrant district with a variety of uses that are compatible with the waterfront location and adjacent neighborhoods and create a pedestrian-friendly, transit-oriented environment.
- Preserving the unique history and environment of the northern waterfront area. This plan will preserve the unique environmental, cultural, and architectural assets within the area and repurpose and improve those assets in the creation of a new, vibrant mixed-use district.
- Economic development. Star Harbor seeks to generate jobs and services for the community while reducing citywide traffic and the associated environmental, economic and social impacts of long commute trips through mixed-use development.
- Financially sound development. The new Star Harbor development will fund and construct the public facilities and services that are needed to serve the plan area.